The Franchise System Health Check comprises a review of the existing franchise system structure and infrastructure with a view of franchising best practices. FranchisingWA will review current business and strategic plans, report on the current performance levels associated with both Franchisor and Franchisee operations and levels of engagement.
The Franchise System Health Check is key to understanding gaps, risks and broad opportunities for improvement associated within the current franchise network structure. The review also helps by researching and analysing current levels of Franchisor and Franchisee performance. With respect to Franchisee performance, this section will help identify performance associated with different Franchisee configurations and issues. Finally, the Franchise System Health Check identifies the platform upon which changes can be made in order to maximise the brands opportunities whilst mitigating potential risks.
The Franchise System Health Check comprises two inter-related steps:
A) Review of Existing Franchise Network Plans and Infrastructure
B) Review of Existing Levels of Franchise System Performance
Parts A & B collectively provide a strong basis and benchmark, upon which future plans can be formulated and future performance can be measured against. Franchisee engagement is critical to the success of the brand. If you have reason to suspect that there is unrest within the group call us now to help you.
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