
Franchisors, Are You Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Your role as a franchisor demands your full attention, and with so many tasks on your plate, it’s easy for something to fall through the cracks. But don’t worry – FranchisingWA is here to help you overcome challenges and drive your growth!

From developing robust business systems to providing expert guidance and advice, our comprehensive consulting services are designed to support YOU in moving forward. We don’t do the work for you – we offer strategic advice that empowers you to make impactful decisions.

Why partner with a Franchise Advisor from FranchisingWA?
• Need a fresh perspective on current challenges
• Ready to elevate your business strategy and performance
• Want to maintain your competitive edge
• Seeking a sounding board for your next big idea
• Facing a major transition or planning for future growth
• Looking for personal support to guide your decisions

With over 50 years of experience in the franchising industry, FranchisingWA has helped numerous successful networks thrive. Our tailored advice saves businesses valuable time, money, and stress while helping them reach new heights.

Let’s chat about how we can help you achieve your franchise goals.


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What our clients say about us.

  • “Great to see a broad range of people at the FranchisingWA Breakfast and new networking opportunities. Informative session and good presenters who were engaging.”

  • “Overall the FranchisingWA Breakfast was en' point! Venue, food, coffee, timing, content, interaction- all top notch.”

    – Vanessa Hondros, Franchise Manager, Simply Helping Lower North Perth
  • “A well-organised breakfast event with interesting guest speakers, great venue and food. A rose for the ladies was a lovely touch on Valentine’s Days. Thanks, FranchisingWA and sponsors.”

  • “The FranchisingWA Breakfast is an informative event. No matter if you are or aren't a franchisee or franchisor.”

  • “I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at the WA Women in Franchising Lunch & Learn event. The information provided was insightful and helpful to my business.”

    Deborah Whitburn, Owner, Snap Print Solutions Midland
  • “WAWiF is fantastic opportunity to get to know your peers, network and overcome the challenges. Great support!”

  • "Mark and his team did a great job and had a really fun day playing with other Franchisees. Will do it again!"

    Steve Harris, Franchise Owner, Hire A Hubby Bunbury
  • “Congratulations on organising the gala event. I really enjoyed it all, meeting such interesting people, the hospitality and even the coffee was very good!”

    – Mike Barr, Owner, Caffissimo
  • "Very well organised!"

    Jemin Loong, Business Banking Manager, ANZ
  • “During the Awards Night, I liked the way the host kept the public engage and the enthusiasm of the nominated team members. Not to forget the entertainer team was fabulous!”

  • "Mark has extensive franchising and business experience and combines this knowledge with great enthusiasm and drive. He is a brilliant person for bouncing ideas around and always brings creativity and a fresh perspective to the table. Would recommend Mark for his wide ranging abilities in policy, strategy, industry knowledge and innovative thinking."

    Jackie Dihm Owner, FitChips
  • “A great event celebrating the best franchising affiliated business in WA!”

    – Stefan R Thomas, Lecturer, Curtin University
  • "I must say you put things in a way that made me understand things and I really got lots from our session and plan to be making changes in the future. I look forward to the next steps in our meetings."

  • “Great night to get your team together and celebrate all their hard work. I was able to meet so many wonderful like-minded business owners in other industries.”

  • “On behalf of Legalwise Seminars, we wanted to thank you for chairing our Franchise Law seminar. We are extremely appreciative of your significant contribution. Overall, the feedback received from the seminar has been excellent and we are delighted with the outcome."

    Sintija Dobrotinsek Program Manager, Legalwise
  • “Very enjoyable night!”

    – Allan Kirk, Owner, Quality Batteries WA
  • “Mark and I always seem to catch up at just about franchising event around the country. He is deeply immersed in the business community and is a great source of help and advice when required. He is exceptionally knowledgeable and a really nice guy who is always a pleasure to catch up with."

    James Scurr Managing Director, Cashflow It
  • “Great showcase of local franchise businesses. Great promotion for the industry to get behind and support an independent award with internationally acclaimed judges.”

  • “What a night for WA franchising, just shows what small business can do.” – Anonymous

  • "A quick one to say thanks for Tuesday night. I thought it was a great venue, great atmosphere and a bunch of knowledgeable and colourful business people. Hats off mate!"

    Chris Walker Writer & Editor, Wordfox
  • “If you are considering Franchising, either as a Franchisor or a Franchisee, then early on in the process speak to Mark Fernandez at Franchising WA.”

  • "Mark brings a sense of energy and positivity to everyone he meets. I have total trust in him as a fellow consultant, and together we are able to get great outcomes for a client we jointly work with. He has an instinctive understanding of how businesses work, and is able to bring structure and systems which enable businesses to replicate and grow. He is comfortable working with financials, whilst his greatest strength is probably his insight into people. Mark is supportive and encouraging, yet not afraid to be honest and forthright when required. I look forward to working with Mark on future projects."

    Jayne Griffiths HR Director, My Hr Adviser
  • "Great to be able to share my expertise in an area I am very passionate about being data analytics and helping enable businesses with the information they need to move their business forward, grow and prosper."

    – Rick Hemphill, Director, SW Accountants & Advisors Pty Ltd
  • “I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at the WA Women in Franchising Lunch & Learn event. The information provided was insightful and helpful to my business.”

    – Deborah Whitburn, Owner, Snap Print Solutions Midland
  • “WAWiF is fantastic opportunity to get to know your peers, network and overcome the challenges. Great support!”