Selecting the right franchisee is crucial to your brand’s success, and it’s not just about a “gut feel”—it’s about fit. That’s why Mark Fernandez, our Director and an Accredited Consultant & Facilitator of DISC Advanced, highly recommends using DISC Advanced to profile potential franchisees.
Our Franchisee Profiling service begins with an interactive brainstorming workshop, where we’ll:
• Define your Ideal Franchisee and identify the skills, attributes, and qualities they should possess.
• Discuss key traits that should NOT be present in potential candidates.
• Create a comprehensive profile to guide your selection process.
Think of it as creating a CEO profile—how can you hire someone without knowing exactly what you’re looking for? This workshop helps ensure you’re choosing franchisees who will thrive and grow your brand.
The outcome? You’ll have a clear, data-backed understanding of the perfect franchisee to build a successful franchise system!
Need more insight? We can also profile existing franchisees to see what traits contribute to their success.
Don’t leave the success of your franchise to chance—let’s profile for success! Reach out today!
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